Project Stats:
Rate Base: 1,600,000
Audience: 15,900,000 (print & digital)
Male/Female: 52/ 48
Median Age: 47.9
Median HHI: :$80,372
Frequency: 25x
Publisher: TIME USA LLC
Source: 2019 Fall MRI
Mission Statement: Time magazine tells the stories that matter most. The content sparks conversation that drives global change and provides understanding to the issues and events that define and impact our time. Founded in 1923, the brand has developed a legacy of immeasurable trust of consumers. The magazine is ranked #1 most trusted news institution and has an audience of 17 million people. The brand has over 30 million social media followers and has roughly 108 million website views per month. With unparalleled access to a large variety of consumers, readers look to the brand for the most influential news stories and product updates.